
Showing posts from May, 2020

Para mis estudiantes de DI

Buenos Dias mis estudiantes de DI He estado calificando su trabajo y hoy les voy a mandar un reporte. Ya casi se termina el ano escolar y me da mucha tristeza no darles un abrazo de despedida. Espero todos esten bien. Comuniquense conmigo si necesitan algo Good morning my DI students, I have been busy grading your work and soon your will receive a progress report. The year is almost over and I am very sad that I won't say good bye in person. I do however, hope everyone is well and I get to see you in the fall. As always, send me a message if you need anything. Ms. Gomez
It is May!- FOUR MORE WEEKS UNTIL SUMMER! Hello my students, I hope you are well and you family is well too. We are in making progress in our new remote learning setting. I see more students joining Google Classroom and we've began to meet via Zoom. I realize that all these new apps and platforms are new to us, but I have to say I am very proud of you and very grateful to your families for their support, patience, and dedication. We've had frustrating moments and I am happy to report that we are moving past them and becoming more comfortable with our new system. I anticipate that next year, we will be combining these new technologies into our learning on a daily basis. It will be easier, it does not however, replace our interactions in the classroom which I miss very much. As some of you have noticed, I have been making phone calls home. I am interested in how you and your family are doing, and checking to see if you need anything. We have four more weeks until the end of