Hello my students,
I hope you are well and you family is well too. We are in making progress in our new remote learning setting. I see more students joining Google Classroom and we've began to meet via Zoom. I realize that all these new apps and platforms are new to us, but I have to say I am very proud of you and very grateful to your families for their support, patience, and dedication. We've had frustrating moments and I am happy to report that we are moving past them and becoming more comfortable with our new system. I anticipate that next year, we will be combining these new technologies into our learning on a daily basis. It will be easier, it does not however, replace our interactions in the classroom which I miss very much.

As some of you have noticed, I have been making phone calls home. I am interested in how you and your family are doing, and checking to see if you need anything. We have four more weeks until the end of the school year- keep up the hard work and send me your assignments REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR NAME!

Keep checking Remind for updates, check my teacher website or Google Classroom for assignments. Email me your assignments at or use Google Forms in Google Classroom. 

Have a great day- 
Ms. Gomez


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